Boas vindas - Welcome

Sejam bem vindos ao meu cantinho de arte. Quero dividir aqui minha paixão pelas cores. Sou uma mulher que gosta de coisas de menina portanto pink pink pink e a minha cor favorita, mas também gosto de azul, muiiitoo azul!! Creio que as cores podem nos proporcionar diversas sensações. Alegria, calmaria, paz etc.

Welcome to my art corner. I wanna share here my passion for colors. I am a woman who likes girlie things, therefore pink pink pink is my favorite color but I also like blue, lotssss of blue! I believe that colors can give us many sensations. Happiness, calmness, peace etc.


Sorteio!!! GiveAway!!

segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011


I am very glad we reached 50 followers!! This is amazing and it means a lot to me. Thank you very much for visiting my blog and joining it. This week is also my birthday, on March 17th. And I am preparing a little surprise for all of you my dear friends and followers. Stay tuned! =)

3 comentários:

  1. Congratulations!
    50 is a magic number... Let's go for the 100! ;-)

  2. The Brazilian art and culture to the world on the blog of the artist NEWTON AVELINO if you can show other people
    feel free
